The Need


Hall of Waters goals as established by a Facilities Plan completed in 2016:

• Ensure the building is properly pressurized/ventilated to stop on-going deterioration
• Immediate need for making structural repairs to the building, estimated $1,170,000
• Leasable space, lighting, HVAC, ductwork, pumps, need in 2-5 years, estimated $3,445,000
• Exterior cleaning, windows, concrete, stonework, need in 2-5 years, estimated $2,886,000
• Leasable space, pool balcony, event space, lighting, windows, need in 10 years, estimated $4,180,000
• Siloam Spring Well Room, spa, needed in 10+ years, estimated $1,982,000
Total $13,663,000

Excelsior Springs Museum and Archives goals:

• Establish steady income to pay the bills
• Need a Curator to manage day-to-day operation
• Immediate need to repair walkway between buildings, estimated $30,000
• Facility plan for the building, recommendations for making the building last another 50 years
• Energy efficiency improvements, HVAC, LEDs, electrical, solar options
• Make the second floor useful as a potential revenue generator
• Improve displays
• Floor coverings

Letters of Support:

Kathy Duncan, Museum volunteer
Sonya Morgan, City councilwoman